Our Dojo


On 1st of May 2015 our association moved to a new location at Forchheim, Daimlerstraße 26 in the upper floor of a former industrial hall which was energetically reconstructed and rebuilt by the entrepreneur family Merz in collaboration with the engineering office Dieter Reck, Forchheim. The new rooms were built according to low-energy-standards and offer the best comfort.

Our exercise place (Dojo) has a floor space of about 260 square meter. Included are a mat space of 120 square meter and a second exercise room with 50 square meter.

The ambience of the exercise rooms nearly corresponds with a Japanese dojo: plain, neat, functional and connected with the traditions of Budo, the Arts of the Japanese Knights. The AIKIDO-DOJO-FORCHHEIM is a place which simplifies the study of of the Aiki-path (Do).

The respectful atmosphere of a dojo makes the practice possible without external influences, creates a distance to everyday life, supports the concentrated and serious work in the practice of Aikido and leaves room for meditation and spiritual exercises.

In the AIKIDO-DOJO-FORCHHEIM more than 130 Aikidoka of all age groups practice, the youngest member is 7 and the oldest 73 years old.

The association is a member of the Bayerischer Landessportverband (BLSV) e.V. – the Bavarian Sports Association – and of the Fachverband für Aikido in Bayern (FAB) e.V. – the Special Association of Aikido in Bavaria.

In addition to Aikido the Dojo is also used by related disciplines and by the Volkshochschule Forchheim (edult education center of Forchheim) for various sport-, health and gymnastic courses.

You can find us across the route description under others.