Norbert HolzmannSpecial trainer (Aikido)4. DAN Aikido (practising Aikido since 1986)►
Andreas DießnerSpecial trainer (Aikido)4. DAN AikidoBorn in 1969, practising Aikido since 2006, awarded state recognition as special trainer for Aikido in the „Fachverband für Aikido in Bayern“. „Honesty, humility, courage and goodness, politeness, truthfulness and wisdom are the virtues which make me become a good and strong human. Aikido offers to me the satisfaction of the perfection of these virtues since the only level is my individual development. Unimpressed by circumstances or obstacles I follow my way without having destruction in mind. The strength which I gather on this way offers mey the relaxation which I need for t he prerception of the world in order to b e safe and to offer safety in everyday life and as a teacher.“ ►
Bernd GrimmSpecial trainer (Aikido)4. DAN AikidoBorn in 1969, practising Aikido since 2007 „My personal goals are the efforts to achieve mindfulness, the bringing together and the harmonisation of mind and body as well as the keeping of enthusiasm for the principles of Aikido. As a learner of Aikido I am trying to give these mayor goals further." ►
Susanne SchneiderSpecial trainer (Aikido)4. DAN AikidoBorn in 1976, practising Aikido since 1991, awarded state recognition as special trainer for Aikido in the „Fachverband für Aikido in Bayern“. „Beim Lehren von AIKIDO gilt es für mich zu vermitteln, im Gleichgewicht mit sich und der Umwelt zu stehen. Dabei soll die eigene Durchlässigkeit (KI) geschult werden. Auf dem Weg (DO), diesem Ziel ein Stück weit näher zu kommen, möchte ich im gegenseitigen Miteinander (AI) die Übenden begleiten." ►
Julia VilkovaSpecial trainer (Aikido), leader of the training for children3. DAN AikidoBorn in 1979, practising Aikido since 2000 ►
Markus MalzSpecial trainer (Aikido)2. DAN AikidoBorn in 1979, practising Aikido since 2013
Hélène MaréchalSpecial trainer (Aikido) and Shiatsu practitioner1. DAN Aikido |
Michael SchneiderSpecial trainer (Aikido)1. DAN AikidoBorn in 1975, practising Aikido since 2013 |